Experience the famous Barossa hospitality the Burge Family is known for.

Meet your hosts.

The name Burge is synonymous with the Barossa Valley.

Grant Burge, a fifth generation Barossan has a well known winemaking story that spans over 40 vintages, where he has won countless awards and built a strong reputation.

Along with wife Helen, they are esteemed Barons of the Barossa and respected for their continued passion and support of the region.

Today, Grant and Helen feel incredibly content to being able to continue their support of the Barossa through Burge Barossa – their multi-faceted wine and tourism business, as well as supporting their children as the next generation of winemakers.

After being called home for almost 90 consecutive years, Wilsford House bid farewell to the last Burge family member to live there in 2007.

But having so many fond memories of growing up there, as well as of the many, many visitors who were fortunate enough to encounter the Burge hospitality – Helen and Grant Burge knew they could never part with it.

Instead, they wanted to open its doors and invite others to come and stay – to fall in love with the Barossa, just as six generations of their family have.

Because while they’ve both lived here for most of their life and have seen the Barossa grow and change – they still absolutely adore the food, the views, the people and the lifestyle.

They both knew that the task of bringing it to life as a stunning, premium Barossa Valley accommodation needed to be treated with the utmost care and respect. They were resolute in retaining the original beauty and charm, while also enhancing the home with modern luxuries.

And, as you’ll see from the moment you open the door, to when you’ve explored every corner of the property – they’ve delivered on this in spades.

A proud history.

Wilsford House was named after the village just over the hill from where Grant Burge’s forebears hailed from in Wiltshire, England.

It was Grant’s grandfather Percival who was the original owner of this property – buying it in 1908. He built a small tin shed as the original house, and then in 1916, the foundations were laid for the Wilsford House you see today.

Due to WWI, the foundations were left to cure until 1919, and Grant firmly believes that this extended time is why the now 101 year old home still stands proud, in the same condition as when it was built.

It’s incredible to think that after seeing a century of so many different seasons and conditions, this stately home doesn’t have a crack in it. But with 14-inch thick stone on the outside walls, and having been constructed by a master builder – it truly was built to last.

“Back when I was a boy, Sunday’s were for family and friends, and joining together for a big Sunday lunch. I can still picture myself looking out the kitchen window to see the vintage car club roll into the driveway, or Mum’s tennis friends, social clubs, or other people we loved. A lot of people would come to our home on a Sunday, for a barbecue lunch, drinks, a hit of tennis and a good time.”

-Grant Burge